Privacy Policy Statement


This text sets out the rights and obligations of Users with accounts on Users of the facilities enjoy rights as stated in the User Data Manifesto 2.0. Apart from refraining from illegal behaviour Users are under no obligations at all. Users are trusted to act conform their own moral frames.


Users obtain their accounts by invitation only. An email sent to from an account with the request to delete that account will receive an "are you sure you want to delete your account?" reply. A positive response to that will lead to the deletion of the account.

Cloud: Accounts for the stripped-down Nextcloud installation on

User data is of great value and can easily be abused. The makers of Nextcloud and the administrators of believe that Users have the right to decide what happens to their data. The stripped-down Nextcloud installation on this site protects User's rights as defined in the User Data Manifesto 2.0.

Control over user data access

Data explicitly and willingly uploaded by a user should be under the ultimate control of that user. Users should be able to decide whom to grant direct access to their data and under which permissions and licenses such access should be granted. The stripped-down version of Nextcloud installed on provides users with full control over access to their data.

Knowledge of how the data is stored

When data is uploaded to a specific service provider, users should be informed about where that specific service provider stores that data, how long, in which jurisdiction the specific service provider operates, and which laws apply. The server is hosted in the Netherlands. Arrangements are in place to store data and maintain regular incremental backups for at least a year. Dutch privacy laws apply.

Freedom to choose a platform

Users should always be able to extract their data from the service at any time without experiencing any vendor lock-in. Open standards for formats and protocols are necessary to guarantee this. All interactions with can be conducted using standard browsers with javascript support over secure https connections.



Administrators have the potential means to study raw email data of Users. Administrators will not do so unless specifically mandated by the User concerned.


Some anti-spam measures are in place. Users are trusted not to send spam from the domain